Spring is around the corner, and so is cottage season
Spring means Cottage Season for many summer enthusiasts, and that may also mean renovations and building projects around the cottage, be it a new deck or dock, repair work, or even building a new cottage! No matter what the project, if there’s wood involved, the best screw on the market to use is the GRK fastener. This fastener offers higher productivity with no pre-drilling, no stripping, no wood splitting, and no waste. With the cost of lumber these days, you don’t have to worry about wasted materials when using GRK fasteners. The screws are CLIMATEK coated, which means they provide corrosion resistance in pressure treated wood with corrosive ground contact, so their lifespan is long. The CEE Thread design enlarges the hole before the shank for smooth drive and reduces resistance. Their unique thread design draws two substrates together while the washer head allows zero gap joints. They also have ESR-2442 approved for structural applications and AC257 code approval for pressure treated wood applications.
We recently showcased the GRK line of fasteners at the Cottage Life Show in Toronto, and it was great to connect with end-users and contractors to demonstrate the amazing quality and strength of the screws. Those who have used the product before were very vocal about how great it is, and commented that they will not use any other product when working with wood. Try them on your next project, and you’ll see just how good these fasteners are. The website for more information is https://grkfasteners.ca/