All About Fasteners, Episode 9: Four common complaints about fasteners (and their solutions)
In this video, Will Chen, product marketing manager at ITW, explains the top 4 complaints that contractors have about fasteners.
And how ITW Fasteners try to reduce these problems with their particular fasteners.
The 4 common complaints are:
Head Stripping
Screws Breaking
Head Snapping
Time-Consuming Pre-Drilling
ITW likes to use 6 point driver bits, deeply set, to reduce (1).
(2) and (3) are minimized using the toughest possible materials that ITW can source.
(4) can be minimized by using GRK’s premium RUgged Structural Screws that do not require pre drilling (unless local codes require it).
This video was shot at ITW’s test facility in Markham, Ontario.
This video was originally uploaded May 2019 on Canadian Contractor.